My name is Cheryl (Cheri) Wenimont of rural Fonda area. I graduated from the Millenium School of Massage Therapy in 2000.

I have always found favor in the "natural" way from pain to other health issues. The body has an innate ability to heal itself, it just doesn't like interference (surgery/drugs) unless deemed necessary, and only seeks to stay balanced.Thus, along with massage, I incorporate other non-invasive therapy techniques.

.Services include:
Swedish massage - Moderately deep massage
Cranial Sacral Therapy
Visceral (organs) therapy techniques
Neural menengial (nerve tissue)
Reflexology (working in referred areas of the hands and feet)
Mini Lymph Therapy (for sinus, sore throat, ear pressure)

Hours - Tuesday all day by appointment
Fridays - mornings mostly by appointment